An average shower lasts about 8 minutes, while some will stay in for up to 15 minutes. How much you enjoy your shower depends on many factors, the main one being the type of faucet you have in your bathroom.
Now, when it comes to decorating a classic-style bathroom, there are many things to consider, from the towel cabinets, tiles, ceiling, lighting, and so forth. You then have to sit and choose the type of showerhead to install.
If you choose to go with a classic-style bathroom, you have countless shower faucet options. Below are some expert tips to help you find the right tap for your bathroom.
1. Consider the water pressure in your bathroom
Some faucets just don’t work with low pressure. And if you live on the top-most floor, near the water tanks, you might have to deal with reduced water pressure.
Some faucets have nozzles that increase the water pressure, while others don’t. So, when choosing a tap for your bathroom, pay attention to the level of pressure at your home.
2. What accessories do you need?
Next, you should pay close attention to the accessories you will need to use the faucet properly. While some shower heads are stand-alone systems, others need some help to function correctly.
While you are at the store shopping for your faucet, check the list of components contained in the box. Some of these accessories include:
• Hand showers- this means an extra hole on your tub or wall to fix in the hand-held shower
• Pressure-balancing valves- as mentioned before, different floors have different pressure. And when the water pressure is low, water tends to be too hot, while high pressure could result in a drastic drop in temperature. A pressure balancing valve helps to maintain a constant water temperature.
• Anti-scald valves- this helps to protect you from the sudden drops and rise in water temperatures.
• A diverter changes the direction of water flow from the main showerhead to the spout and vice versa.
3. Select a configuration that matches your bathroom style
Showerheads come in hundred different types. You can find one that makes your shower feel like dancing in the rain, while others will go as far as purifying the water before it touches your skin.
Some of the common types of faucets you can use in your classic style bathroom include:
• Multiple showerheads have more than one shower head-mounted, usually an overhead shower and a hand-held faucet. They use a diverter to direct water to your preferred faucet.
• Body spray faucets- these have multiple spray heads installed at different sides of your bathroom. There is one at the top and others on either side of your bathroom walls.
• Rain shower-these showerheads are large and flat, with the water falling straight down. So, when taking a shower, it feels as if you are out in some warm rain.
Homelody has been at the forefront of providing a more comprehensive selection of American and European standard shower systems. Also, you get them in the best color selection to match your bathroom walls and tiles.
4. Finally, consider your budget
Whenever you are designing or remodeling your bathroom, you should pay close attention to your budget. You do not want to buy a showerhead, install it, and later have to deal with the skyrocketing water bills.
Don’t just check on the cost of buying and installing your preferred faucet. Go a little step further and check on its output rate. Find a shower head that suits your needs and protects your wallet.
Homelody’s shower faucets are high-quality, long-lasting, and affordable. They have the best variety, from their single-handle shower tub kits to the high-pressure rain shower systems.
Choosing the right combo for your bathroom makes even short showers refreshing and enjoyable. Also, these finishing touches go a long way in enhancing the design of your home. So, if you are looking for a wide selection of shower faucets to fit your classic style bathroom, Homelody’s shower faucets will get you what you need.