Taking a warm shower only to notice mold on your shower faucet can be quite a turn-off. If you’ve never experienced some bathroom mold, maybe you haven’t looked well into every corner of your bathroom. You need not worry as this is a common problem in most houses. Recent statistics show that over half the homes in the US have mold.
Fortunately, mold in the grout, bathtubs, and shower fixtures is easy to remove and prevent. We have done all the work for you and compile an article that will help you understand what the shower mold is, causes, and more about the prevention and removal tips. Without further ado, let's get cracking.
What Is Shower Mold?
Mold is the extensive fungus, which grows both outdoors and indoors. All in all, it is significant in decomposing trees, leaves, and plants. Once the mold starts to grow in your home, it becomes a whole new story. Mold grows rapidly and soon becomes dangerous, especially in showers due to the dark and dumpy environment.
Once you speck the mold, you should take action immediately. But bathroom mold won't always be apparent. You should inspect the hidden areas, such as basements, crawl spaces, bath and shower fixtures, under the sink, and underneath basements.
What Are The Common Causes of Bathroom Mold?
Different types of mold can grow in your bathroom. But how do these molds grow in the shower faucet? Because mold thrives well in dumpy and dark areas, they tend to grow well on the bathroom's moist and dark interiors.
Building materials are also a contributing factor. Molds love bathroom walls and tile grout, but also like invading bathroom rugs, damp wood, and caulk. Mold can grow as fast as in two days. The higher the organic matter to feed on, the more rapidly they will spread to the shower.
What Are The Health Hazards of Mold in Bathrooms and Shower Systems?
Although bathroom mold may sound like a common phenomenon, it can be a significant health hazard if you expose yourself to it for long. Some of the prevalent symptoms include mood disorders, allergies, and asthma.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention also states that one might experience pneumonia, eye and skin irritation, wheezing and persistent coughing, and lung problems. Although limited, some research claims that this mold can heighten the risks of memory loss.
How to Get Rid of Mold from the Shower Faucet Set
What is the solution to the bathroom mold? Fortunately, you can quickly get rid of it with simple household appliances. As soon as you realize the mold growth, you can strip it away, before replacing the sealant or caulking it was growing on.
Also, try mold-killing substances such as vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and bleach. Note: these substances should not be mixed, as they can result in toxic reactions. When cleaning, keep the doors and windows open to let in the fresh air and dry any remaining mold.
If the mold has spread out over an extensive area and you're having trouble removing it, you should contact a professional or the State’s Environmental Protection Agency. When removing mold, the most significant factor is first determining what caused it to grow.
Ways of Preventing Future Mold Infestation
Prevention is better than cure. So, despite having gotten rid of the mold, figuring out how to prevent future mold growth is vital. The following are some of the best tips of prevention;
• Improve your bathroom’s ventilation. Start by installing a bathroom fan. Use it while bathing and leave it to dry the bathroom space for about 30 minutes after your bath.
• Wipe the bathroom tiles, fixtures, and walls daily after a shower. Use bleach, vinegar, or water.
• Replace heavily infested grout or caulk.
• Maintain your houses' humidity below 50% by using a dehumidifier or conditioner.
To sum up, although mold is common in most homes, it is easy to prevent or remove it. Thus, it should not get you that much of a headache. Nevertheless, remember that this same mold spreads rapidly, and can have a detrimental effect on your health and moods. So, do not hesitate to act once you see it start to grow on your shower fixtures. We hope this article guided you on the crucial tips of preventing and removing mold in your home.